He's a People Person...
... OK, more like a people CAT.
It's BOO...
With Laura...
...and Danelle (Peter's girlfriend)...
...with Kat with a "K..."
With Tom...
With Peter...
With me...
Even (and especially) with Shasta!
The story behind his name is complicated. After we adopted him, no one could agree on a name. I called him Riley (his "given" name). Aleks called him "Phillip" (no idea why; he said he looked like a Phillip). Peter called him "Carbon." Laura called him "Caddy" (a German trying to say "kitty"!). And Tom called him "Your Cat." Kat, who never really had a "pet name" for him, had a friend over one day, who was amazed at the cat's CHILL-NESS (really, nothing fazes him and he loooooves to cuddle) and called him "Buddha." It stuck -- UNTIL one of Laura's AFS friends from Indonesia came over for dinner one night and I was calling the cat. "Buuuu-ddhaaaa!" Riska's mouth dropped. "What's your cat's name?" she asked incredulously. I just plain felt like an insensitive idiot -- even if his name was based on good qualities in both him and his namesake! I just felt stupid and clueless. AND from then on I've simply called him "Boo." Tom has never called him "Boo" and insists on calling him "Your Cat" -- which must sound pretty stupid to anyone who hears us calling him for dinner!

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